“Government Contract, Glen Canyon
Dam and a Golf Course”
March’s featured photo was submitted by Judy Kitson. “This tractor is a 1951 UB Minneapolis Moline Industrial version, as can be seen by the dual tires and shifter for forward and reverse. It was made on a US government contract and still has the original government plates. The tractor was used by the bureau in building the Glen Canyon Dam that created Lake Powell. After the dam was built the tractor was purchased by the city of Page, Arizona and used on their golf course. When they finally parked it, it was picked up by Eugene Tucker at the city auction. He has since used it in the Page, Arizona annual tractor pulls in October. He and the tractor can be seen pulling on our website www.PageTractorClub.com in our cover photo. Eugene is one of the founders and the President of the Page Antique Tractor & Machinery Club – EDGE&TA br. 217.”
You can view all of the winning photos from
the 2018 Catalog Photo Contest here.
To see other winning photos that we have previously featured, click here.