Ford Tractor Before and After

Ford 8N – Before

I bought this Ford tractor for $800 in the Fall of 2015. It came with tire chains, a PTO belt pully, a rear blade and a 3 point boom, what a deal. It ran but needed restoring, just got done on October 8th, Saturday morning at 8:30 am. I drove it in a parade at noon that day and got 1st place.

Rod Luckasson
Ferryville, Wisconsin

Ford 8N – After


Another project below. This little pulling tractor has a 9″ Ford rear end, they use them in stock cars as they are darn near indestructible. Skid steer tires in the back, donut tires in the front and best of all it is garnished with a 1963 195 cid Pontiac slant four engine. This little one looks like a chopped 8N Ford.








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