Dad’s Farmall M
I just wanted to quickly share the tractor of my dads that was restored this past summer. Attached are three pictures, one of him on it while raking a little hay, one after I finished restoring it, and one of both him and my mom. My dad was diagnosed with multiple myeloma about two and a half years ago and unfortunately it was too progressed to treat it effectively. The photo of him on it was one of the last times he was able to get up on it and use it and I think for him that was harder than the actual cancer.
Well given the situation I decided I wanted to restore the M but trying to get him to allow it was quite a struggle. Eventually he gave into it and I started with a few purchases of needed parts and a plan to get it done. I knew time was short and I would have to hurry because I so hoped to help him up into the seat and give him a chance to have a tractor that was “NEW”. Something he never had, as money was never in large supply. As life would prove to me what I thought I could do was not going to happen. I had no more than removed the sheet metal from the tractor when he took a turn for the worse. This was July 28th of 2015. He went from doing rather well to the doctor giving him 4-5 weeks, how was I ever going to get this done? Well given I was raised by a guy who didn’t quit it must have rubbed of on me and I worked ridiculous hours at every given moment of free time to try to complete the project. I have a full time job starting at 6am and out at 4:30 each day and after work I would drive to the farm and work on the M until I could go no more, head home and sleep then repeat it again. On August 22nd 2015 my dad passed away without ever being able to see his tractor complete in fact he saw very little of the progress as the cancer had ended up completely taking over. I finished it two days later. A drive and push like I’ve never had before with energy that came from him somehow, helping me complete it. Four weeks from old to new! Although my heart was broken and it didn’t feel complete without him he didn’t leave without the tractor. A picture of it, sorry not included, because its very much a personal one, went along with him. His tractor will always be there.
DADS M as its labeled runs like a champ. It doesn’t spit, sputter or stumble in any way. Its strong and steady just like he was. Thank you for allowing me to share this, and thank you for having the parts for me to make it look and run good again.
Andy Bereza
West Olive, Michigan
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Very nice story, very unfortunate that your Dad passed before you could complete the restoration. When I was restoring my late Father’s tractor, I pushed like you did for a specific date as a tribute to him. I truly think he was helping me.
Your Dad would be very proud, good job and may God bless.