Tractor Stories – Massey Harris

In the early summer of 2005, a friend of mine told me about this tractor he spotted at his friends farm. After being bugged for weeks to go look at it, I did. Turns out it was a Massey Harris. Looking at it from a distance I could see there were two W-6 McCormicks sitting with it. SDC10075
The owner of them asked me what I would give him for all three of them. Again viewing them from about a hundred yards away, I said I would give him two hundred each for the W-6s and a hundred dollars for the Massey. We then took a walk out to get a better look at them. As I got close to them I thought that it was a 100 series. Then I noticed the Rakinghayheavy cast hubs on the steering axle. I knew it wasn't a 100 series then but sure didn't expect it to be what it was. I looked at the serial number tag and found it to be a 201. I wrote down the serial number and went home to do a little research. Turns out the serial number is 91203.

It sure didn't look like much when I got it but it is coming together

Colin Colbourne

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