October Featured Photo

This is my 1952 Farmall Super A.  It was purchased by my Grandfather in either 52′ or 53′.  His name was Charles Moore, and he lived all of his life in northern Moore County near the town of Seagrove, North Carolina.  He used this tractor to plow and cultivate his garden and his mother’s (my great-grandmother) garden.  He ran a bush hog, single bottom plow, and a wood saw (pto) to cut sawmill slabs to burn in heaters and pottery kilns.  

He had another Super A he bought years later as this one began to wear out.  When he died, I was given the choice of this one or the Super A in better shape.  I chose this one because he owned it for so many years.  With the help of mechanics and restorers (who are also family), every piece of this tractor was taken apart, sandblasted, and repainted.  We replaced what was beyond repair with new old stock and of course many many parts from Steiner!  The whole process took a little over a year including a full engine rebuild.  We did switch over to a 12-volt system.  We added new rims and Firestone tires.  My son was named after my grandfather, and I plan to pass this tractor down to him.

Jonathan York
Pittsboro, North Carolina
Tractor Photo Contest Winner

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