Over the weekend I visited the Mid-Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association’s show in Oakley, Michigan. This show is the largest tractor show in Michigan.
All colors of tractors are welcome. Hundreds of tractors were on display. Here are a few highlights:
Everyone can appreciate a nice row of John Deere tractors–Dubuque built tractors as well as new generation tractors.
I think I saw more pulling tractors at this show than any other tractor show I’ve been to! I wish I could have seen more of them pull but due to my schedule I could only see a handful actually pull.
I can’t think of a single tractor brand that I didn’t see. Here are a few pictures of the less common brands:
Silver King
Eagle and Huber (commonly recognized Case and JD tractors between)
John Blue
Chamberlain (a first for me)
A few people were droolling over this perfectly restored Farmall 400:
I had to chuckle at the exhaust on this tractor
and the ingenuity of the cab on this tractor.
It’s always fun to see harvesters like this mounted New Idea corn picker
and this combine in great original condition.
Shows are a great opportunity to also see the really old tractors operating, like this Rumley:
Below are a few more tractor pictures to enjoy:
If you’re looking for a new show to attend, be sure to add this show to your list next August!